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Fee Structure 2023


Fees are based on a school term and are GST inclusive:


45/50 minute classes

                           One class enrolment: $108.00                          

Two class enrolment: $198.00


One hour classes

One class enrolment: $128.00

Two class enrolment: $225.00

Three class enrolment: $280.00


Adults Jazz Funk

$12.00 a session (casual attendance)


Family discounts are still applied and are as follows:


2 sibling family: 10% off total

3 or more sibling family: 20% off total


UFD does not charge enrolment or administration fees, and we are proud to offer such discounts to our families.



There is a performance fee at the end of the year to cover filming licences and costs associated with the concert production at the Forge Theatre. All dance families receive a digital copy of the concert out of this expense. DVD’S also available.



Invoices will be emailed at the commencement of each term, with payment options outlined.


Payment plans available


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